01-01-2025 06:26 AM
Hi. I have an HTC Vive Pro and have bought tons of games for it in the Steam store. My sister gave me her original Oculus Quest. I wanted something less fiddly to give to the kids when they want to play VR. However, I have it all setup now, and I see demos for Beat Saber and Superhot but I don't see where you can buy real games like that. I want to get Job Simulator for them. I know it's supported because my sister had it on the Quest before we factory reset it.
However when I go to the store and search for "simulator" I see a bunch of generic stuff instead. I've read I can run a USB cable from the PC to the Quest and use the Steam VR but A. I haven't tested that yet and B. I'd rather not be tethered if possible. I'd rather repurchase any games that are Quest native... but I can't figure out where to go lol
PS: before we did the reset, I fired up Job Simulator. I did the chef one and noticed that in this, it seems to have less stuff. The counter behind me for example just didn't exist whereas in the Vive I have a counter with a bunch of stuff I can use. Is this common for Quest games? Are they typically chopped down versions of the full game (due to not using a PC) or did I just happen to hit a game that was an outlier in that regard?
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-01-2025 07:34 AM
@Strahan are you looking for this - Job Simulator on Meta Quest | Quest VR games | Meta Store
and the store - Explore VR gaming experiences: FPS, racing and More | Meta Quest | Meta Store
01-01-2025 07:34 AM
@Strahan are you looking for this - Job Simulator on Meta Quest | Quest VR games | Meta Store
and the store - Explore VR gaming experiences: FPS, racing and More | Meta Quest | Meta Store
01-02-2025 09:26 AM
01-02-2025 08:57 PM
@Strahan wrote:
Is this common for Quest games? Are they typically chopped down versions of the full game (due to not using a PC) or did I just happen to hit a game that was an outlier in that regard?
To a degree, yep. The Quest is pretty weak, even compared to the Quest 2 and 3 but definitely compared to a PC. So a lot of games will reduce various visual settings (like less special effects, no shadows, etc) or simplify the environment (lower poly, remove unneeded decorative stuff, lower texture res, etc) in order to keep the frame rate up. It's the price we pay for stand alone use.
Some carefully optimised games do look great though, like Red Matter 2 on a Quest 3.
@Strahan wrote:
I've read I can run a USB cable from the PC to the Quest and use the Steam VR but A. I haven't tested that yet and B. I'd rather not be tethered if possible.
There's 4 main ways to go:
All of these will let you stream SteamVR games from a PC to the Quest. If your wifi is good, that's a great option to avoid cables. Be aware though that Link, Airlink and Virtual Desktop can all also play games from the Meta Rift store, and native Rift games on Steam, but SteamLink can't (it's limited to SteamVR games on Steam).
Some games on the Quest store are cross buy, so when you buy them you get a free PC version too on the Rift store, which you can play on Link/Airlink/VD without rebuying.
01-11-2025 01:49 PM
Thanks, I appreciate the Steam information. I wasn't aware the OG Quest supported wireless, that's pretty cool.
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