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Echo arena crashes when I click on training or play... Help...

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I can launch the game and when it launches it says I need a SSE 4.1 or 4.2. The website I go to claims that my CPU is a SSE 4.1 so I don't understand. When I just click okay, it continues with the game. Afterwards when I click on training or play, it starts loading then crashes and splatbug appears. If anyone can help me as well here is my crash logs from D : \Program Files\Oculus\Software\Software\ready-at-dawn-echo-arena\_local\r14logs if anyone can help...

[12-26-2017] [23:3:9]: 
[12-26-2017] [23:3:9]: ---> Starting 2 worker threads in the scheduler.
[12-26-2017] [23:3:9]: 
[12-26-2017] [23:3:9]: Initializing OVR session...
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: [CAPI] LibOVR module is located at C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-runtime\LibOVRRT64_1.dll
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: Connected to the server running version (prod = 1).1.20.0(build = 501061) feature version = 0. Client runs version (prod = 1).1.20.0(build = 501061) feature version = 0
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: [HMDState] Using default profile default
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: IAD changed to 59.2mm
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: Creating factory
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: OVR is specifying adapter index 0 (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080) to create a D3D device
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: Successfully initialized OVR session.
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: Creating D3D11 device on adapter 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080'
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: Successfully created device.
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: Initializing extensions ...
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: Nvidia driver version: r388_43 (38859)
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: Successfully initialized extensions.
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: Initialized GS
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: Loading global archives
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: Loading game archives
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: Initializing renderer
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: Initializing OVR D3D components...
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: Successfully initialized OVR D3D components.
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: Initializing Simulation
[12-26-2017] [23:3:10]: Finished initializing engine
[12-26-2017] [23:3:11]: [OVR] Logged in user app-scoped id: 1707612555962171
[12-26-2017] [23:3:11]: [LEVELLOAD] Loading level '0xAC360E41E4EDE056'
[12-26-2017] [23:3:11]: [OVR] Logged in user name: SolarFlare_23
[12-26-2017] [23:3:12]: [LEVELLOAD] Finished loading level '0xAC360E41E4EDE056' in 351 ms
[12-26-2017] [23:3:12]: [LEVELLOAD] Enabling level '0xAC360E41E4EDE056'
[12-26-2017] [23:3:12]: [OVR] Logged in user org-scoped id: 1804747729567393
[12-26-2017] [23:3:29]: WaitableTimer slept too long/short (i.e. 1.529733 ms)
[12-26-2017] [23:3:30]: WaitableTimer slept too long/short (i.e. 2.153723 ms)
[12-26-2017] [23:3:30]: WaitableTimer slept too long/short (i.e. 1.772854 ms)
[12-26-2017] [23:3:32]: WaitableTimer slept too long/short (i.e. 2.490397 ms)
[12-26-2017] [23:3:32]: WaitableTimer slept too long/short (i.e. 1.707265 ms)
[12-26-2017] [23:3:33]: WaitableTimer slept too long/short (i.e. 1.790914 ms)
[12-26-2017] [23:3:33]: [LEVELLOAD] Loading level '0x6113BD53BD411194'
[12-26-2017] [23:3:34]: WaitableTimer slept too long/short (i.e. 4.697094 ms)
[12-26-2017] [23:3:34]: WaitableTimer slept too long/short (i.e. 4.103496 ms)
[12-26-2017] [23:3:34]: WaitableTimer slept too long/short (i.e. 6.263259 ms)
[12-26-2017] [23:3:35]: WaitableTimer slept too long/short (i.e. 2.790638 ms)
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: [LEVELLOAD] Finished loading level '0x6113BD53BD411194' in 2201 ms
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: [LEVELLOAD] Loading level '0x3F10A694858D6D32'
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: WaitableTimer slept too long/short (i.e. 1.869448 ms)
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: [LEVELLOAD] Level '0x3F10A694858D6D32' offset by (0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: [LEVELLOAD] Finished loading level '0x3F10A694858D6D32' in 414 ms
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: [LEVELLOAD] Disabling level '0xAC360E41E4EDE056'
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: [LEVELLOAD] Enabling level '0xAC360E41E4EDE056'
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: [LEVELLOAD] Enabling level '0x3F10A694858D6D32'
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: [LEVELLOAD] Enabling level '0x6113BD53BD411194'
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: [LEVELLOAD] Disabling level '0xAC360E41E4EDE056'
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: === System Info ===
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad  CPU   Q9550  @ 2.83GHz
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: Num Physical Cores: 4
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: Num Logical Cores: 4
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: Memory: 8 GB
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: Process Committed Memory: 2511 MB
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: Process Peak Committed Memory: 2564 MB
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: Process Working Set: 580 MB
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: Process Peak Working Set: 653 MB
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: System Committed Memory: 8665 MB
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: System Max Committed Memory: 32670 MB
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: System Physical Memory Used: 4832 MB
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: Driver Version: r388_43 (38859)
[12-26-2017] [23:3:36]: Dedicated GPU Memory: 8086 MB
[12-26-2017] [23:3:44]: A crash was detected while running thread: Task Kernel 
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