09-06-2021 10:42 AM
Hello all,
I have recently picked up my Oculus GO again and found that it was in an "undesirable state". It was stuck in the three dot infinitely loading state when trying to boot. I attempted a fix I saw online where I connect via my app and turn on the WiFi only to learn that fix is out of date. I had to perform a factory reset from the app. So I did that, to save everyone some time the GO doesn't exactly remove itself from your phone very well and well it was a nightmare to say the least to finally be able to setup my GO again.
Anyway, onto the real issue. I got my GO to boot into the Home screen again, great! I see the "Subscription Settings" notification pop up, I click "Not Now" or whatever the No option is and move forward. The Home interface loads. So, I go to edit my avatar. There are no "Hair" choices except bald, there are no choices for glasses expect remove, there are no face options, and if click on the "Eyes" option it goes dark and I get the "Oculus Home has stopped working" error which closes the avatar editor. If I click the "Randomize" option that "Oculus Home has stopped working" appears again and closes the avatar editor. I was looking online and someone said that doing a factory reset would likely resolve the issue. So I reluctantly struggled to get through another factory reset. This was somewhat cleaner. I load the home interface, I open Edit Avatar and the same issue persists.
Please advise.
09-06-2021 05:22 PM
Hello there, thanks for posting this on the community platform. We understand how inconveniencing it is that the avatar customization is not working correctly. We can definitely take a look into this for you.
First, try troubleshooting your wi-fi and you can do so by following the steps in this article.
Second, check the software version of your headset to make sure it is the latest version. You can do so by using the settings menu to confirm that you're using the most recent operating system.
Lastly, if none of the suggested ideas work please submit a support ticket here.
09-07-2021 06:29 PM
@MetaQuestSupport I had already checked multiple times to see if I had an update available and it always said that I had no updates and was at the current version. However, checking the websites update blog the current version for the Oculus GO is 18.0.4. My OS Version and Runtime Version are both 18.0.0.X.X.X.X. How do I manually update the Oculus go to have the 18.0.4 base version? Is there a way to side load the update?
09-08-2021 02:47 PM
Hey there! Thank you for letting us know about what update you are on. The Oculus Go should automatically update itself.
Try leaving your Oculus Go in sleep mode for an hour or two, and it will update itself.
If that doesn't work, please submit a support ticket here.
10-02-2021 02:02 PM
I apologize for the delay. Waiting for several days with the GO on did not prompt me for an update. I will reach out to oculus support now and post my solution later.
12-06-2021 12:27 PM
Did you get any response on this - i have the same issue - thanks!
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