07-09-2023 12:39 PM - last edited on 06-13-2024 01:29 PM by TheLegend27
I've been having a frustrating problem. There was a time when they offered a free trial of Ghost Signal: A Stellaris Game. When I went to play it is said my trial was over even though I never played it. No biggie. Their loss. My problem is that this game (that I don't own) wouldn't leave the right side of that bar. I thought that was for most recent used apps, but it wouldn't leave. Couldn't figure out how to get rid of it. Then I messed up more. In my attempts to get rid of it I somehow grabbed it and moved it to the left side of the line. WORSE!!! There is no way to remove it or even move it back to the right side. How do I edit this bar? I'd love to remove this game from the bar. If it is possible to add and subtract things from it please let me know how. I cannot figure it out and it's annoying. Thank you in advance!
Solved! Go to Solution.
06-10-2024 01:17 PM
Hello Quest support.
I am trying to remove/replace "store", "horizon feed", "people" and "camera" icon from the taskbar/bottom menu.
Replace them with something i actually use.. how do i edit the menu? It is so annoying with them there.
Been trying for so long but can not seem to find the way to edit.. I must be blind or stupid!
06-11-2024 11:58 AM
Hello there, @silverstone78! We appreciate you getting in touch with us and bringing this to our attention. We aim for all our users to experience the smoothest possible app navigation. We recognize that this can slow down your ability to access apps that you actually use faster. Though this is the way our bottom menu is laid out, we would love for you to share your ideas here, as we are constantly seeking ways to improve both our software and hardware. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us again if you have any further questions!
06-13-2024 01:21 AM
Personally, I wouldn't mind not being able to unpin those, as long as we could pin MORE than just 2 apps. Like that's genuinely ridiculous
06-17-2024 12:40 PM
Is there also a way to remove the recently used apps that appear on the right side of the menu dock? I prefer to set more pinned apps there instead of recent apps.
06-18-2024 09:35 AM
Hey there @FlorisManageXR! We understand having a set up that can be customized to your needs can enhance your experience in the wonderful world of VR. Although there is not an option to change the set up and replace the recently used apps at the moment, we would love for you to share your ideas on ways we can improve at our Ideas Forum. This way we can get more eyes on your suggestions and possibly implement your idea in the future! If you need any further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach back out!
08-24-2024 08:29 PM
could you please make it so we can unpin explore and people, being only able to pin 2 apps at a time is poor design and needs to be addressed thank you
08-24-2024 08:48 PM
we would appreciate it if you could make it so we can unpin people and explore, being able to only pin 2 apps at a time because you decided what other ones to pin is poor design
08-25-2024 11:42 PM
Hey hey, @Caonum! Thanks for reaching out.
We love hearing feedback and suggestions from our users. We highly recommend that you leave your ideas on our Community Ideas Forum Page, as this is the best place for our creators and developers to see them and potentially incorporate in the future!
We hope that you enjoy the rest of your day and keep gaming!
09-24-2024 08:16 PM
Thanks for this information. I was unable to Unpin the Store app, however, I was successful unpinning the camera app. Suggestions?
09-25-2024 12:20 AM
Hey @stretchzeuz ,
Thanks for reaching out to Meta Quest Support.
You can unpin your camera app by going into the library and finding the game that is pinned to your home bar. Hover your cursor or finger over the game and click on the three dots in the top right. That should bring up a little menu. At the bottom of said menu, there should be a button to unpin the app/game.
Note: You can only access this menu when you are looking at the games in your library, not when looking at the game directly on the home/task bar.
I hope that fixed your issue.
Our DM"s are open if you need help with any more questions! Please select our name to get to our profile page, or click here: https://metaque.st/CommunitySupport. Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.
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