12-02-2024 01:45 PM
Since v71, Wavelet and other equalizer (EQ) apps that can be sideloaded onto the Quest 3 stopped working.
I understand you don't support sideloaded apps per se, and I get that you might've broken them accidentally and won't be bothering fixing that. Regardless, this is very unfortunate for me, and I assume other people similar to me that care about audio and/or have sensitive ears. The EQ apps fixed one of the issues I have with the stock sound on Quest 3 (excessive treble).
I'm very sensitive to some frequencies above 10 kHz and the frequency response curve on the Quest 3 speakers is just too harsh/treble heavy. Using headphones also passes on this tuning to the headphones.
Also, some headphones sound MUCH better when EQ is applied to them to match closer to the Harman 2018 target curve. Example: koss ksc75 headphones sound absolutely delightful with EQ (7/10 sound quality) but very lame without it (4/10).
Please please add a way to add even a simple EQ to the quest 3. Ideally parametric EQ...but I know graphic EQs are more common and simple for most users. That'd still be better than nothing. I get it that Meta wants to streamline stuff and prevent users from breaking their headsets. So if you don't want to risk users breaking the quest 3 speakers with stupid EQ settings (+12 dB to bass freqs or something), at least make it an option exclusive for headphones plugged into the 3.5mm. Headphones are a lot more rugged and can take crazier EQs before breaking than the small speakers on the device.
12-14-2024 07:09 AM
Oh my God, thank you. I have the same issue with the Quest 2 and I immediately could tell something was wrong. Even though the app is up and "running in the background".
12-14-2024 10:52 AM - edited 12-15-2024 01:56 AM
Seems they changed something recently. Got an update a few days ago and Wavelet is working again on Quest 3. I tested with the youtube app and I was able to fix the awful treble. I'm assuming everything else should work too, but I'll report later if anything doesn't.
I'm on version 72. Dunno if this matters but I also have Seamless multitasking enabled in the experimental features.
Not sure about Quest 2 unfortunately, as I don't have one to test. Maybe you'll get a similar update soon that also reverts whatever they did recently that messed up Wavelet
2 weeks ago
Someone found a solution, in case you didn't know. Press 'Apps', and then 'Unknown sources'. They should still be in there.
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