06-16-2022 10:22 PM
My son has been bugging me and bugging me and bugging me to buy the Gorilla Soccer app because he loves Gorilla Tag. Gorilla Soccer is $2.99 and I’ve been trying all week to buy it, but I keep getting the “GraphQL server responded with error 2078011” error after I put in my pin.
I then purchased a random app for $4.99 and it immediately went through successfully, so the only trouble I’m having is buying that one particular game. Is it because it’s an App Lab game? Any advice would be great because I really need my kid to stop bugging me about this.
01-02-2023 08:02 PM
Did you find any solution? I am going through similar problem and support so far has not been helpful
01-02-2023 11:57 PM
Nope, they weren’t helpful for me either other than mentioning that sometimes developers take their apps offline so they can’t be purchased in order to update, etc. and that I should keep trying. It did eventually work, but I don’t remember how much time went by.
01-03-2023 12:01 AM
Thanks for sharing this. Good to know i am not the only one being ignored. Is there a way to reset the device or account and get the apps back? I am really getting desperate and frustrated.
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