3 weeks ago
I set up our 3s with my account. Then added my (nearly) 12 year old as a child, paid $1 to verify. Worked fine til today. Suddenly now two things:
1) I got an email saying due to an error with my account, my son's account will be suspended in a month. We can't get onto his account at all and it says another parent has to manage. There is no other parent, just me...
2) I'm suddenly unable to use Meta Horizon Worlds and it says unavailable in the store. I'm in Canada. It worked fine before.
I am wondering if my account is mistakenly flagged as under age? There are no errors or reports anywhere, says in good standing. Meta Support was unable to find an issue.
I mean I could factory reset and make a whole new Meta account but I have about $230 of app and game purchases so I'm pretty upset at the thought of losing them. Most of that was Christmas gifts so I can't just buy them again. On top of the expensive headset...
Has anyone had these issues and solved them?
Here's what I tried:
-Removing our accounts from Quest and reconnecting. Mine reconnected, son's won't connect now.
- I don't have any Facebook or Instagram accounts linked so it's not that.
-Contacted Meta support. Multiple people could not help.
I'm so confused by this situation.
3 weeks ago
Oh forgot I also tried to make a new child account to see what would happen. It says "you're not eligible to create a Meta account for a child".
The error when my son logs in just keeps prompting him to set a different parent to manage.
The email I got says the issue is with MY account but no one can find any issues.
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