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Errr Where My Order Gone!???

Honored Guest
I just check my Oculus Order as i was under the impression that estimated delivery date was 5th of May, but now my 'Recent Orders' page is completely blank!, it had my Oculus order there when i checked on Monday but now nothing, any ideas???

Expert Protege
Cant login to even see my order must be updating something. Watch when we are able to login, and see our order the estimated shipping will be pushed back another 3 weeks with out even giving us any notification. That would go over jest fine with the pre-order community. 
ASUS MAXIMUS VII FORMULA / I7 4790K 4.7 GHz OC / NZXT Kraken X61 280mm / 16 gb DDR3 Corsair Vengeance Pro 2400 Mhz / Evga GTX 980 SC OC, GPU Clock +124 MHz, MEM Clock +175 MHz / ADATA 256 gb SSD, CORSAIR 120 gb SSD, 2 TB HHD / win 10.

Not applicable

fullmelt said:

Cant login to even see my order must be updating something. Watch when we are able to login, and see our order the estimated shipping will be pushed back another 3 weeks with out even giving us any notification. That would go over jest fine with the pre-order community. 

Honestly, If that happens then I go vive. 

Expert Protege
They are giving your orders to the new retail purchases.

Expert Protege
Mine is back, nothing changed, all good.
ASUS MAXIMUS VII FORMULA / I7 4790K 4.7 GHz OC / NZXT Kraken X61 280mm / 16 gb DDR3 Corsair Vengeance Pro 2400 Mhz / Evga GTX 980 SC OC, GPU Clock +124 MHz, MEM Clock +175 MHz / ADATA 256 gb SSD, CORSAIR 120 gb SSD, 2 TB HHD / win 10.

Rising Star

A-boogy said:

Same here went to check my order and it was blank. I am about to raise hell. Oculus is killing me already.

Why would you be about to raise hell when they are just updating their system?

Not applicable

A-boogy said:

Same here went to check my order and it was blank. I am about to raise hell. Oculus is killing me already.

Why would you be about to raise hell when they are just updating their system?

because they never communicated that they were doing something.

Rising Star
That's not a good excuse for raising hell with support, not when it's obvious that's what's going on, they said they would be changing it to do so, and people in this thread (me) mentioned it. It's people like this that's why support is so slow, they are swamped by people who are too excitable and don't stop to think or even read other posts.

Honored Guest
Seems to be back up now guys, crisis over!!!
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