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Extreme performance issues occurring intermittently



Problem description:
After some time in-game the framerate drops to seemingly single digits and stuttering occurs to the point that the game becomes unplayable. Sometimes this lasts indefinitely, other times it will occurs for a few seconds intermittently. This happens both when launching from Steam and Oculus, at no particular moment when playing in VR. I've closed all other applications but this bug still occurs. Anyone know what could be the cause of this and how to fix it?

High-res screenshot of the profiler and CSV download

System specifications:
CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K
MOBO: MSI Z170 Krait Gaming 3X
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 Founder's Edition
RAM: 32GB DDR4 @ 2600Mhz

Setup details:

The Rift is connected to my system through the original HDMI cable to the GTX 1070, of which all three other DisplayPort ports are occupied. The USB cable is connected to a USB 3.1 Gen 2 slot. This has previously worked flawlessly, even when using an extension cable. I have four sensors connected to my PC, one of which is inserted in a USB 3.1 Gen 1 slot (USB 3.0), the other three are inserted in USB 2.0 slots

Reproduction steps:
1. Open any game, either in Steam or through Oculus Core.
2. The performance issues occur after anything between a minute of play and thirty minutes, without fail

Troubleshooting steps already taken:
- Rebooted system
- Restarted Oculus Software and service
- Restarted Steam
- Uninstalled Oculus Tray Tool
- Uninstalled f.lux
- Unplugged & replugged my headset
- DDU'd the display driver and reinstalled the latest via GeForce Experience
- Closed all non-essential background applications
- Turned of Async reprojection in SteamVR settings
- Uninstalled Oculus software, rebooted and reinstalled the software
- Unplugged my fourth sensor
- Set power management mode in the NVIDIA Control Panel to 'Prefer maximum performance'
- Disabled USB Selective suspend

If y'all need any logs, let me know.


I think i found the problem.  I use discord and I enabled GPU hardware accelleration in that program.  It was running my GPU at 100% all the time and when oculus would run it would overheat the card.  I've since disabled that setting and my card is setting at a cool 37 c.

I would even boot my computer and not touch it, the temp would go to 80 right away.  After making the change in Discord hasn't happened since.

Forgot to mention I have a Nvidia 1080 Founders, 32GB ram, Intel I7 6700k, Windows 10 64 bit.

Same problem here. CPU load used to be at 5% or so with only Home open, (Windows 7, i5-4670) but since the last update it's at 25% or more, spiking to 100% in most games. Nearly all of them are now almost unplayable.
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