01-28-2023 03:38 AM
My nephews Oculus Quest 2 has gone into a boot loop, I have tried the power off option a few times and this hasn't helped so my next option was to perform a factory reset.
I understand this will wipe all data from the headset but this can be re installed via the oculus app but my nephew who is only 9 is upset he will lose all his cosmetics / shiny rocks etc that he has on Gorilla tag.
Can somebody just let me know exactly what will be lost and what is recoverable as I don't see any other way of proceeding to allow him to get back to using this headset?
01-29-2023 11:48 AM
Hello! When performing a Factory Reset we do want to make sure the Cloud Backup is on as this will save the data from games and your device! You can check the following by clicking here to see what apps have Cloud Backup:
In addition to make sure your Cloud Backup is on overall just follow these steps:
We hope to hear back from you as we will be patiently waiting for your update!
01-30-2023 11:59 AM
Hello? Just passing by to see if the following worked for you? We want to make sure we can get you back on track!
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