01-12-2025 05:23 PM
I've noticed that whenever I record anything on my Quest 3, the fov is cut off in the video. I've checked all the settings, and there's no way to adjust it. This makes content creation very difficult. I upgraded to the 3 because I thought it would not only give a better experience, but also improve the clarity and quality of the graphics in my content videos. Unfortunately, it's ruining the videos instead of improving them. If the bottom half of the video is cut off for viewers, it doesn't make for a great video. They can't see what I'm doing.
Is there going to be a fix for this, is that even possible? I'm really hoping I didn't waste money on a 3 when I could've just gotten my 2 fixed for a cheaper price.
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-13-2025 11:13 AM
@VR.Nerd this has been an ongoing fault for some time now, and you guessed it! meta have done diddly FA about it.
Solved: Meta Quest 3 Recording Area is Too High - Meta Community Forums - 1193887
01-12-2025 05:33 PM
Hi @VR.Nerd,
Thanks for posting into our forum. We can see you're having some problems with the FOV of your Quest being cut off in videos you're recording. As of right now, we wouldn't have a fix for this as this is more of a design choice you're experiencing rather than a glitch or bug.
We completely understand you'll not like this as it's having an effect on your videos, but there is something you can do! You can head over to our Community Ideas Forum and leave the suggestion in there for our team to see and who knows, maybe that change will come into effect sooner than you think!
01-13-2025 03:43 AM
@VR.Nerd ignore the support bot, as it's sending you to a forum that doesn't exist.
Is it the horizontal or vertical field of view. What resolution and format do you have in the video recording settings?
01-13-2025 06:58 AM
There is the aspect ratio, portrait for 1080x1920, landscape for 1920x1080 and square for1020x1020.
Something almost everyone overlooks is the image stability. When set to high, it will cut off more of your fov in recordings.
01-13-2025 10:20 AM - edited 01-13-2025 10:21 AM
Thank you for your reply, but that isn't it. I never use the stabilizer for that very reason. It was the first thing I checked when I noticed my video was cut off. I thought maybe the Quest 3 came with it turned on by default, but it wasn't on.
I always use landscape for YT videos unless I'm specially creating a short.
01-13-2025 10:33 AM
It's the vertical view. I'm using landscape. I'm noticing that I have to actually look down physically if I want something in view on the recording. I play a lot of VR games on my channel, so I'm moving around and immersed in what I'm playing, so it's rough having to also remember to take those extra steps to make sure the audience can actually see what I'm doing with my hands.
The only things I changed in the settings from the default would be the aspect ratio and bit rate from 5 to 10.
01-13-2025 11:13 AM
@VR.Nerd this has been an ongoing fault for some time now, and you guessed it! meta have done diddly FA about it.
Solved: Meta Quest 3 Recording Area is Too High - Meta Community Forums - 1193887
01-13-2025 11:25 AM
Hopefully they can do something. I mean, they sent out an update to fix the volume controls... surely they should be able to send something out for camera settings. I guess we just wait and wonder if they'll ever do anything about it. Hopefully I don't get taken out by a sniper while staring down at my hands for the video. 😂
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