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Facebook Log In Issues

Honored Guest

My account was disabled in December.  I don't know the reason why.

My accounts were also logged off on all devices.

Several times I have sent in my ID and I received an unlock link and a code on SMS.  The code does not work for the 2FA authenticator.

If i try to log in other times (when i dont receive the unlock link) , I dont receive the 2FA code on SMS.

I am not sure whether my account is still disabled?  I had to also create another facebook account just to report the mater.  I have emailed and sent messages/sent reports/submitted appeals on numerous occasions with NO FEEDBACK OR ASSISTANCE from Facebook.

My business page account is also linked to my personal profile, I am losing business for almost 2 months now as no one can view my facebook business page.

PLEASE urgently assist me.




Accepted Solutions


l the help I needed here . now everything is back to normal 🙂

View solution in original post



Hi, i have the same problem, my Facebook, Instagram and Messenger is suspended because I had problems to understand the Family setup. And its impossible to get support or get in touch with Meta.

Honored Guest

I hade almost same issue and after 2 month no selection. Meta support refuse to help any problem regarding facebook even it it there's product that create the problem...


l the help I needed here . now everything is back to normal 🙂

Write on Private Messages to Meta

How was this resolved?



I wrote to Meta Quest support, and follow their instructions.  My problem was that my age was not verified. 

Thanks so much.  Email address?


I used sent to admin metaquestsupport here, in right corner on this side is a letter push this and sen your request there. They will connect you to the right support.

Hi @natasha.m.401818 🙂

follow the link a click the "send message" button

About MetaQuestSupport - Meta Community Forums  

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