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Facebook Login Help

Honored Guest

I know this platform isn't for Facebook support. However, the canned responses in the help center do not help me, and there's no option to email or ask anyone else on the planet I have yet to find. It feels like being caught in a mobius loop.

I locked myself out of my account for entering a password wrong, not hacked. I can check the email associated with the account. I do not own a mobile phone of any type.

I use a photo ID to verify myself and get the email code after the ID's been verified, which should solve the problem. But every time I enter the code, I get the same exact screen I just saw:


I enter the emailed code, I get this screen again and have to verify all over. I've deactivated my Google authenticator but no, still get the authenticator option. 

I've tried the 'I've been hacked' option to see if that would garner any results and oddly enough the only two computers I use to check Facebook, a million times over fifteen years, it says that the devices aren't recognized. It's starting to feel like the Twilight Zone of defied logic.


I can make a second Facebook account no problem but I do help run several communities and it just sucks that I've disappeared without a trace to even tell them and lose the 15+ years of history I have on my account.


Same thing has happened to me and several thousand others. There's a reditt community with 22,000 members currently going through the same. At least you can make a new account. I'm a disabled veteran that lost all friends family and support system i have built. It's caused me so much emotional stress 

Don't worry you can resolve this issue go to Facebook help centre and search for “what to do if i don't have access on my authenticator app?”

Hope you will get help and solutions on the help centre and also you can reply here if you need more to know about it.


Hi there, @randomtask.490058!


This community offers assistance to only Meta products and services. We're afraid we don't have access to tools what Facebook Help Center has, and for this reason, we're unable to assist you on this issue. The reason behind this, though Facebook and Instagram are under the same Meta umbrella, all three companies -Facebook, Instagram, and Meta (as in VR products and services)- operate as separate entities without any communication between them. Precisely, we cannot reach Facebook nor they to us. However, we went out of our way to see if something can be done.


Firstly, we'd recommend you to thoroughly review the public article: Troubleshoot login with two-factor authentication on Facebook. Upon that, we'd recommend you to scroll all the way down and perform those steps stated beneath the 'Still unable to log in?'. Please note that on-screen instructions may differ for different platforms; hence, we'd recommend you to choose the right platform from the given- Computer Help, Android App Help, and iPhone App Help. You may have to confirm your identity and we'd recommend you to give it a try more than once as this can be the only way to regain access to your account, in the event of loosing access to your 2FA app.


Most importantly, we want to let you know that we cannot assure you that you'd be able to recover your Facebook account as we're sharing the same information, which is already discoursed to the public on Facebook Help Center.


Please remember that we're always here should you've any other issues or queries related to Meta products and services.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

This is absolutely false meta has disabled my account. I cannot access the help center 

I truly appreciate your response as this is the most i have gotten so far. I understand that you cannot communicate within the company but for me and thousands of others who have had thier accounts disabled with no recovery or recourse available it is absolutely unacceptable. I've exhausted every single course of action. The reditt community has shown some success in recovering accounts through local claims courts and that will have to be the next step. This has not only affected my buisness but my mental health and caused great suffering.


 Hey @randomtask.490058 

You don't need to submit a adjustment dispute request for getting back your account. Because as per my experience, i recover a lot of account by contacting with meta support team and meta pro team.

If you have a Facebook account then visit business support home at meta then you might have a chance to get a option for contacting with support team...if you have it then go ahead with your screen.

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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.

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