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Facebook New password loop

Honored Guest

The question is down below....

So my friend is trying to make a new password since he cant remeber the old one, therefore:
1. he goes on the meta account center

2. chooses change password

3. Get a security code on mail to change the password 

4. changes the password 


In step 4 something mysterious happens....

When he presses next after making a new password, he gets taken to a site that tells him that he can only do said action on the meta account center, and there is a link which takes him back to the account center.

Hmmm has the password been changed, lets test it out....NOPE

We try again, and it just loops again and again and.........

How does he escape this loop with a changed password?

I didnt know changing password on facebook in 2024 was like escaping the matrix..... 


Meta Quest Support
Meta Quest Support

Hey there @bussibusk!

Getting your friend back into their Facebook account is super important. On the Meta Quest Community forums, we do not have the tools or resources to assist with Facebook or Instagram-related account issues, but we’re happy to guide you in finding the help your friend's needs as best as we can!

The best place to start is the Facebook Help Center. They have tons of troubleshooting steps and other ways to get the support you need for your specific issue. 

If you have any Meta Quest (or legacy Oculus) products, you will need to use your Meta account to sign in as it no longer requires a Facebook account to log in.

We’re always excited to assist with Meta Quest VR questions or hear about your VR adventures in the future. If we see you around the community, please be mindful of our Community Guidelines and Forum Rules🐢

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Well i have looked through all of those, and since there isnt any specific troubleshooting on the help center for my problem, it doesnt help. 
Good thing there is chat support....OH WAIT THERE ISNT

BTW he is doing it on a mobile telephone 

I am having the same issue, get the code, put it in then it links it back to an iPhone 16 somewhere in the world.  I run Samsung phone and tablet. Set up a new account within 24 to 48 hours the account is shut down.

I'm beginning to think that the app has been compromised.


That sounds really frustrating! Try updating the browser or using a different one. Clearing cache or cookies might help too. If it keeps happening, contacting Meta support is probably the best bet.

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If you need an agent to help with your Meta device, please contact our store support team here.

Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.

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