11-03-2024 03:45 AM
Hello Everyone
It happened since last March this year when my Facebook account was linked by hacker to an unknown Instagram Account which was never belonged to me . They use that Instagram to post something that I didn’t even known. That facebook account belonged to me for almost 10 years and I never created any instagram that linked to it . Since March Facebook company had suspended my account … I have tried to email and reach out to them in many ways along with an evidences to prove my ownership of that account however I never received any responses back from Facebook. I really need my Facebook account back as it contains important information for the past 10 years . Please anyone share me what I need to do next ?
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-04-2025 02:24 PM
I'm in the same boat. Followed all possible avenues at the Help Center, emailed support@fb.com. No reply.
01-08-2025 06:44 AM
Hello, my Instagram account is linked to a Meta Horizon account that is not mine & I don't recognize. Please, I need help to disconnect it.
2 weeks ago
I have the same issue and appeal through only by unknown instagram account. Facebook account is since 2007 and never posted anything wrong and never received email about unknown instagram linked. Meta is such big company with high security
How come hacker get in to it and mess up their meta account data.
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