12-19-2023 12:10 PM
been receiving emails telling me Make sure that you provide your account details by 20 December or your account will be suspended. This is a pre-emptive appeal to undo my suspension if it happens tomorrow.
I followed the on screen instructions send my drivers licence as prove of age. I have not been told why this has happened, but judging by other people posts it seems to be children abusing the system to try to ban people form multi play games. I have spent a small fortune on my quest2 and games for it and its ridiculous you can be lockout out or even have you account deleted without even known what you've been accused of. I was going to buy a Quest 3 but this has me questioning that decision, I certainly will never play multi player games again since it puts your entire account at the mercy of toxic children. Its simply not worth it.
12-19-2023 02:14 PM
Literally in the same boat. I appealed and as far as I can tell my oculus account is fine now, but both my Facebook and Instagram accounts are banned because of the linked account, even though that account is no longer banned itself. Absolutely ridiculous, especially when there's no one to talk to about this, and seemingly zero resolutions.
12-19-2023 03:22 PM
Hey @ScottGray83! We'd never want you to be unable to enjoy all of your favorite games and apps, for any length of time. Usually in cases like this we recommend referring to the original email you received regarding your suspension. It's great to see you (and @nejjie73) were able to complete the appeal process! We're so glad to see there haven't been any account troubles since you submitted the identification form.
You can read through our site (specifically this article) for more information on account suspensions, as well as the Code of Conduct. As long as your ID date of birth matches the date on your account, the appeal process should be smooth and straightforward! If you ever feel that a user is misusing an account or feature, feel free to follow these steps to report the incident to our team.
We always appreciate feedback from our community, and we're more than happy to provide insight whenever we can. Feel free to reach back out if you've ever got any questions or concerns!
01-10-2024 08:25 PM
Just returned 3 Quest 3 headsets. Was planning on repurchasing but the more I read in these forums the more I do not feel like it is a good investment.
08-31-2024 01:55 PM
Actual Customer support is a joke here.
12-06-2024 02:24 PM
Meta! It's me again, I need to avoid taking actions, This annoyed me from now on, And if I don't, I lose my account and my $20 game I spent, I tried using my passport and my exact name, It seems that you told me that I'm Underage, I can manage this account, And I want this to be removed.
[Please write explanation in my reply]
12-06-2024 02:29 PM
Hi there @Tomavo_Gt, we see you are having some issues getting your account verified.
So that we can investigate this issue further could you please send us a private message so we can gather some details from you.
Please select our name to get to our profile page, or click here: https://metaque.st/CommunitySupport. Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.
Hope to hear back form you soon!
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If you need an agent to help with your Meta device, please contact our store support team here.
Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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