01-02-2025 02:08 AM
I am having an issue with my Instagram account where a false Meta Horizon profile has been linked to my Instagram account. I saw on this community thread that Meta Quest Support can resolve these issues. However, I got a email response from the team that they are not able to support with removing the account. They mentioned I need to follow the steps to remove the account, but that is impossible because the hacker attached a password and a two step authenticator which I included in my case. I need support in resolving this matter. The Meta Quest Team referred me to connect with the Instagram Help Center, however, that is not helpful and they do not have the resource to help me resolve this matter. I need an resolution. This Meta Account is a product of the Meta Store. Please help.
Also, just to set a proper expectation, we have the limited resources to try to sort it out. Here are some steps you can take to try:
These steps do not work for me:
"To unlink the Meta Horizon account from your Instagram, follow these steps:
If the issue is still persists after applying the recommended steps, what I can only do though, is point you towards the Instagram Help Center that you can use to request a review of your account. "
Has anyone been able to bypass this canned response? These steps do not work for me.
2 weeks ago
Hi Can I ask if you ever resolved this? As I am in the very same position and also getting no where! I am very frustrated that we are encouraged to share info , pics etc on platforms such as IG but there is no help when someone hacks in, I now have no info on there. But I am sure its still linked to my facebook as at the bottom of the page it says. 'Also on meta' and has links to my wats app, facebook etc. I haven't logged out on my phone so still have access to it currently but it won't let me unlink them, or delete the account!
2 weeks ago
Hello, @peaches.bramble , I am so sorry you are going through this situation. It is very difficult and I hope you are able to restore your accounts. Yes, I was able to get this resolved I thank God because I had so many obstacles. My recommendation is to connect with someone on live chat on Meta Store Support who unlinked the account for me. Emails did not work because there was so many canned responses. I was desperate for help and let the live chat Meta representative know my situation. You want to be very specific and let them know the context.
2 weeks ago
I would LOVE to link into a meta live account but I can't work out how, is there a link? its taking up so much time, and as you know , so stressful! I am worried they can access my facebook too? but there are no changes on there. But they did attempt to log in on the day of the hacking.
Can i ask what did they do with your account? I have cleared mine of all info as i have access on my phone but I can't do anymore than that and they haven't done any more since weds.
2 weeks ago - last edited 2 weeks ago
You have to select one of their Meta Store products so you can get in touch with someone. Here is the link : https://www.meta.com/en-gb/help/support/?srsltid=AfmBOooWTjDeWWoiTop2eNeXtiAefv8q97q-pkXPsOR3h11_qr6...
The hacker was consistent on my IG and posting about bitcoin, smh. I had to tell my friends to not click the link because the hacker could get access to their account that way. I am so glad its resolved. Let me know if you have any more questions @peaches.bramble and hope your situation gets resolved quickly.
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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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