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Family members account locked.

Honored Guest

My brother recently got a headset for Christmas. He created an account and being a younger child did not realize that putting his birthday would lead to him needed a 10-12 account. He did not notice or inform myself or anyone of the emails he received saying that he needed to take action by a certain time to verify the account. His account is now locked, and is sending the verification emails to 2 seperate emails only one of which is the correct email. I understand locking an account for age reasons but if you are going to lock the account after a certain period of time, why once he enters his birthday are you allowing him to continue with creating the account. Furthermore why are you allowing said account to purchase games and in game content just to then lock it and essentially revoke those games and content that you allowed an underaged account to purchase to begin with. Cannot even log in to connect his account to mine or his parents accounts due to the emails being sent to a non-working email. 


Honored Guest

Side note, posting this hear as zero other support from Meta has answered or even understood what I’m trying to ask

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