3 weeks ago
I am brand new to vr, first purchase mq3s
Why can't I move more than 5m2 in a 3d environment?
Why can I add items in my home?
Why can't I organize my windows?
Why can't I do any 2 task at once?
Why I my remote desktop only mirroring?
Why do customers skybix never work?
Why is passtrough still only a safety feature (it can't be used for reading period)
Why can't I cast my phone to my environment or the very least an app (unusable in passthrough)
Why can't I cast my tv to my environment or very least an app <span;>(unusable in passthrough
Why do metastore let paid game advertise as free?
All these are either expected or promised by meta already I am very confused at what meta expect me to do with their device, sabering beats & pineapples?
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