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First Encounters

Honored Guest

Hi :  I am very new to vr and the Meta Quest 3 is my first time using one.  I opened First Encounters and have having a real problem getting it to scan the room. It just keeps telling me to set the boundaries. I click on it over and over again but nothing happens.  Am I using the right button on the control? The laser points at it, I press click, but it wont' scan my area. Can you assist?  Other programs are working but I'm having problems generally working my way through using Mega Quest 3, there are no really good directions for beginners. Any suggestions?



Hi @Aelsafin 🙂

Am I using the right button on the control? The laser points at it, I press click, but it wont' scan my area

What button do you use? You didn't say that.

Actually you don't use any button, but the trigger with your index finger.

Honored Guest

Happened to me. Kept trying over and again, even rebooting. I think it went through an update then it worked as expected. Look for updates, or at least power it down let it sit on the charger overnight - maybe it was an app update. Not sure, but it’s not you, I had the same problem with a MetaQuest 3 and First Encounters. I bought it just before Christmas. 

Honored Guest

And there is a setting to let it power on for updates. I clicked that on then didn’t use it for 24 hours while it sat on the charger. I figured it picked up some kind of update. 

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