3 weeks ago
Fix for multiple Windows user accounts (OVR88948175) and Oculus is not set as the default Open XR runtime
my setup:
Meta Link app does not handle multiple Windows accounts correctly on install but this fixed it for me.
I have CV1 and Quest 3. I have Win10 and 11 PC's where normally I install all software on admin account and then have limited user accounts for using the PC's. Steam and Steam VR are already installed with that method and work normally on all accounts.
Installing Meta Link app on admin account works only on that account. Installing Meta Link app as admin on limited user account works only on that account and also cannot set Oculus Open XR runtime as default. (Steam is current default)
Secondary accounts Meta Link app crashes with OVR88948175 error having to do with permissions.
the fix:
note- I am using the same Oculus software folder on all Windows accounts per PC.
Install Link app on limited user account with run as admin.
Log out limited user account.
Log in as administrator.
Run Link app installer as admin, it will detect existing install, choose repair.
Link app will run normally on admin account after this and will ask for install location, I chose the same software folder I used in limited account setup.
Link app will want to setup VR, you may skip this if you don't intend to run VR on the admin account.
After setup or skipping, Link app loads with Open XR runtime not default warning.
Go to settings, you should now be able to click the set Open XR runtime default button.
Restart Link app and it should work normally.
Log out administrator.
Log in limited user account.
Start Link app and it should work normally.
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