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Floor height messed up

Honored Guest

I was attempting to set a new boundary, as I have decided to use VR in my basement, in a room with loads of space, it decides to offer me a stationary boundary, so I decide to pick my own boundary, I set the floor to the proper place, draw the boundary, then when it finishes, it puts my boundary in my living room area, when I am in the basement and set the floor height into the basement.


TL;DR, Set floor height to the basement. I drew my own boundary, everything works fine. Then when I click continue it puts the  height of the floor on the main floor, instead of the basement. AFTER setting the floor height to my basement.


Anyone able to help?


Accepted Solutions

Honored Guest

I just restarted my headset and everything worked.

View solution in original post


Honored Guest

I just restarted my headset and everything worked.

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