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Forum Login problems with iPhone

Over the last few days I have not been able to login to this forum with my iPhone.  This is the same with either my Safari or Chrome iPhone browsers.  When I select sign-in it just hangs.  No problem with my PC though.  All logins with my Oculus account btw.  Not sure what the problem is?
i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers

I also had this problem on my Pixel XL (android) phone with Chrome.

Update;  Today I could not login to this forum with my win10 Edge Browser.  I was finally able to login with my Chrome browser.  I still cannot login with my iPhone with either Safari or Chrome apps.  I have no problem logging into my iPhone Oculus app though.

Anyway, I've started a ticket with Oculus Support and they are looking into this for me.
i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers


TomCgcmfc said:

Over the last few days I have not been able to login to this forum with my iPhone.  This is the same with either my Safari or Chrome iPhone browsers.  When I select sign-in it just hangs.  No problem with my PC though.  All logins with my Oculus account btw.  Not sure what the problem is?

Not sure if this is the same issue.. but I have actually had it going on for months (thought it was just my iPhone)

When I try log into Oculus forum on my phone using Safari it just hangs with a white page, Chrome browser on my iPhone works fine though.

@enigma01 ya, I only started having problems with my iPhone with Safari a few days ago.  Worked ok before.  I tried the Chrome app and firefox app with my iPhone but these did not work either.  Glad to hear it works ok for you.  Maybe because I have iPhone 5s and cannot go above ios 12.0.  Who knows? 

At least my iPhone Oculus app seems to work fine.  I'm expecting my new Quest 2 sometime soon (currently processing for shipping) so I was kinda worried about that since I'll need to use this for its setup.

Still strange that my win10 PC with Edge browser just started acting up yesterday.  It worked fine before.  Anyway at least my Chrome browser seems to work fine.

Again, I've had a chat with Oculus Support and have a ticket lodged.  They told me they would look into it.
i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers

Update 19 Nov 2020);
OK, starting today I'm able to login to this forum with Microsoft Edge (my preferred browser) rather than Chrome (which is still a very good browser).  I still cannot login with my iPhone (with Safari, Chrome, or FireFox).  I continue to have no problems with login using any Oculus headset browsers.
i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers
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