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Frame Rate Latency


Hi Everyone,

I am suffering severely from Frame Rate Latency. I use Quest 3 for PCVR mainly for Flight Sims. First 30 days it worked just fine but for the last 45 days I cannot use it at all due to heavy stutters. 

Specs: Intel i9 13900, 4080 RTX, 64 Gb DDR5 ram. Internet package: 1gbps and connected to my Asus 7800 6e router with Cat 7 cable, and connected to my PC with ethernet cable as well.  Router is within 1m distance. 

If I connect my Quest 3 with Cable link (official) the stutter is still there but less. I did the cable test, the speed is 2.5gbps. I did all the variations in Oculus debug tool, which did not work. 

when I connect through Virtual Desktop it does not work at all. I connect with 6ghz (usually Oculus cannot find this network) or 5ghz with a speed of 1000mbps/2400mbps.. So on paper everything is super fine. I did all the drivers update and even updated the BIOS. No change. I cannot resolve this issue and I do not use the Quest 3 at all. My previous headset Reverb G2 works perfect! and it has not stutter at all. 

With Quest 3 I use 80 hz and I have not frame drop at all. However in the performance graph frame rate latency is all over the place. Again when I purchased this Quest, first 30 days it was alright. 

Any thoughts?



I noticed many other users are reporting issues lately with PCVR, especially performance issues.

Since a firmware was recently pushed out (v63), one can easily connect the dots and presume it may have a role to play in this case.

Can you indicate what version is installed on your Quest 3 (Settings, first section at the top-left, then last entry in the list - About or Version, don't remember).

Also, I suggest you scan the forum for similar issues until Meta sorts it out.


Im having terrible PCVR issues lag is terrible in games. I have tried lowering resolution and and fps etc.. I’ve upgraded all my internet, wires. i dont even know what to do anymore. Quest 3 is an actual nightmare. Been going on for a few months now.


I just retested tonight with some Steam VR apps and I can't find any issues. Everything is as normal as it should be. Even MS Flight Simulator 2020 (Windows Store version not Steam) is running fine.

I used a wired connection with my Meta Quest 3 running v63. My PC is a Ryzen 5, 32 GB RAM, Radeon 6800XT.

I really wonder what is causing you problems...



@Chikomambo  I have a similar PC with a bit better rtx4090 and I get great msfs2020 results with my Q3 and QPro with Link or Air Link. I think you should expect about the same good results with your 4080gpu.

I mainly use Link with flight sims because it tends to give a bit better distance clarity and lower latency.  I recently posted my settings on the msfs2020 user forum for both Link and Air Link.  You may want to have a look at these and give them a go.  Good luck mate and cheers.

One piece of advice; don't get too hung up on numbers.  Just concentrate on geting the best visuals with smooth performance.  In general, latency numbers will vary a bit depending on where and what you're flying.


i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers


Hi All,

Thanks a lot for your inputs. I've found a solution to my long lasting problem..

I changed the Refresh Rate from 80 to 90 hz in Virtual Desktop, sure I slightly compromised graphic settings also I set the "Low Latency Mode" to ON in Nvidia Control Panel. I have not tried with the cable link yet (Cable link had much less stutter than the VD in the first place), but Virtual Desktop results are promising. There is still slight stutter time to time but if it remains this level, I can live with that. 

Thanks again for your responses. 


@Chikomambo  Not sure that makes sense to me.  With flight sims staying at 80Hz refresh rate should give you a bit more headroom than 90Hz, esp. at the same graphics setings, and smoother results.  Also,  low latency setting on the nvidia control panel doesn't effect PCVR and I don't think you should use that.  Just leave it at default imho.  Even the low latency in msfs settings only forces nvidia  to use power = prefer max performance.  So, all you need to do is select the nvidia control panel power setting to prefer max performance to begin with.  Anyway, as long as you're happy with your results that's the main thing I guess.

i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers


Actually you are right. Yesterday morning when I test the Quest 3 for s short time, it looked ok, but now it is just as the same as before. So no solution for me. I know DCS is not a well optimized game for many reasons but Quest 3 is definitely does not work with DCS at all. I think the easiest solution to my problem is to  sell the Quest 3, and buy something else. When I had the Reverb G2, I spent an hour first I had it, then flawless game play...Quest 3 is not a PCVR headset. 

Well, for me, it's actually a very good PCVR headset.

I spent hour replaying HL:Alyx, MSFS2020 and several other less demanding games. It's flawless and very smooth.
I use a 16 feet USB-C cable.

This did not work. I still have this issue. I do not want to lead other users wrong

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