05-28-2020 12:25 PM
05-28-2020 12:26 PM
05-28-2020 12:37 PM
12-23-2020 03:51 AM
02-15-2021 08:53 AM
My Story with 'Dawn.Setup.InstallDriversStep'
Here is the install
problem that I experienced and observed
in my “OclulusSetup.log” probably 50 times from early Dec 2020 until Feb 12,
[Error] [2/11/2021
8:21:38 PM] Process D :\Oculus\Support\oculus-drivers\oculus-driver.exe exited
with code -1 (failure).
[Debug] [2/11/2021
8:21:38 PM] Install 'Dawn.Setup.InstallDriversStep' failed.
[Warning] [2/11/2021
8:21:38 PM] Rolling back installation.
I submitted trouble
shooting requests to Oculus but their support responses were not able to solve
the problem.
Here are the various
things that I tried:
Shut off
anti-virus programs( I completely disable Microsoft Defender and WebRoot).
I ran the “Command Prompt” in administrator mode
with this command: “C:\OculusSetup.exe /drive=D” to try installing to my 1 TB D
Made sure my Quest 2 headset was not connected
during the installation
Completely updated Windows 10 at 20H2
I made sure no VPN was active
After each failure, I deleted all files and
folders having any Oculus data (I had read from other forums that was
Supplied OculusSetup.Log,
OculusDrinverInstaller.log and MSINFO.Info, and Windows Update History.pdf
files Oculus support.
I had read someone got the same error from
having bad memory. I ran a full RAM memory test using “MemTest86” multiple set
of passing memory results.
Doing all the above, I also trying installing
from Windows Safemode
10) I
even tried installing using the Windows hidden Admin function
11) I tried shutting down any hint Microsoft Antivirus even using the
"Local Group Policy Editor" to fully disable it. I also shutdown
Malwarebytes, stopped all folder accesses to DropBox, etc, all team sharing
programs using both the task bar settings and using TaskManager .
Finally, the fix
I saw an obscure post on Reddit that someone thought that
they were able to resolve the problem by disconnecting all their computer
peripherals, (ie. all usb devices accept printer and mouse) and disconnecting
any extra monitors, etc. They thought
the problem was an extra monitor connected.
The Fix:
disconnected all peripherals accept a wireless USB mouse and keyboard and used
only 1 monitor instead of two monitors. This included no Oculus link cable
installed into the USB port.
I signed into Windows using a local account
instead of my Microsoft account
From the Microsoft Windows Security settings, I
shutdown Microsoft Virus and Threat Protection including (Real-time protection,
Cloud-delivered protection, Automatic sample submission, and Tamper
Protection). I also shutdown Firewall & network protections including
(domain network and private network)
I ran the Command Prompt using administrator
mode and ran this command line from the C:\ prompt. C:\OculusSetup.exe /drive=D This was to install the program on my 1 TB
D drive instead of my smaller SSD C drive.
The installation finally completed successfully. I think
steps 2 and 3 are important (especially 3), but the solution was disconnecting
all the computer peripherals and only having the mouse, keyboard and just 1
monitor connected during the installation.
09-05-2024 10:38 AM
Merhaba, benim yüklemem Toplam 2,17 GB'ın 2,03 GB'tında takılıp kalıyordu. yükleme yarım kalıyordu ve hata verip kapanıyordu. Bir VPN uygulamasını aç ve kurulumu öyle yap. ben Avira phantom vpn kullandım ve sorunum çözüldü. belki bu bilgi işine yarar.
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