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Wanted to post this fix to a problem we were having using the exercise app Supernatural on our Quest 2. During workouts the screen would constantly switch to gray and everything would just stop, with background noise lingering. This happened a lot, ruining the VR experience, and we went back and forth with Meta on a variety of ideas that didn't help (to their credit, they were trying).

Finally, came across a guy in tech with a simple idea. Apparently he had seen this before, and recommended covering the internal sensor with a piece of paper towel. It's that little glass window sort of between the lenses, on the facial side of the headset. So I tore off a tiny piece of power towel and scotch taped it with tiny pieces of tape to the inside of the headset, and bingo. For whatever reason it magically cleared up our freezing problem. Have had about 30 workouts since, no gray screen freezes, and the other apps seem to be working less glitchier as well. 

Hope this helps someone else. I know how frustrating tech problems can be, and this solution turned out to be about as simple as they get. Cheers.



Thanks for that. Interesting, especially since our problems got much worse not long after I had cleaned the lenses... Maybe some moisture from the cleaner got on the sensor? We work out in a cool basement and aren't huge sweaters, but maybe that moisture helped pushed our sensor over the edge, who knows. Fortunately, at least in our case, the paper towel trick seems to have worked like magic. Also, we wipe the headset out with a cloth after each workout, which may help prevent any long term moisture damage to the electronics. We've been working out with our Quest 2 for a few years now, so we'll see how long it lasts...

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