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Game Libraries have disappeard

My game libraries have completely disappeared on both the quest and in the desktop app. I am not able to install or play any of my games. When I browse to a game I own in the store it says I have already purchased the item, but I am not able to play it or access it. I installed sidequest on my pc and allowed debug mode along with virtual desktop just an hour ago, but other than that I haven't changed anything. The issue occurs in both the phone app and inside the quest itself. Any thoughts?

I'm seeing the same issues 😞 Purchase history is intact but nothing is in my library no matter where I check it, and when I look in the store it says it's purchased.

Honored Guest
Have any Devs acknowledged this issue yet? I haven't been able to use my Quest or Link all day.  It's frustrating. I understand there will be errors, but I would just like to know they are aware of it and working on fixing.  Doesn't seem to be a widespread issue though, there aren't a lot of posts on reddit. 

I use the rift s and me too all my game have disappeard. accept steam vr games... my library occulus is empty. if i try to lunch the game from the windows folder i can't lunch anithing.

The asgard wrath game when I launched it manually from the windows folder indicated me a problem of identification to my occulus account. I disconnected from my occulus account then reconnected there the game reappeared in my library but it is the only one. the other games impossible to play it.

Honored Guest
Same thing happening on my Quest. The apps moved themselves to “Unknown Sources” and disappeared from the website and app. I cannot reinstall any. I have factory reset the headset too.


SkidR0we said:

Its weird, this morning when I woke up, everything was back working normally. 

Same here, it gave me quite a shock to see all gone, but it's back, I guess support did the trick while I was sleeping... now up to reinstall everything, wished I had not reinstalled the whole software, but glad it's all back. Edit: Or perhaps not. Was back for around 10 minutes, then GONE again 😞 😞

It's all gone again now and it has been all evening. This is getting frustrating.

Mines all gone..........

Ehm yea, SAME here, all is gone again after reinstalling all and playing 10minutes!!! This really freaks me out, we got a long holiday weekend here I was looking forward to play alot and now this. I mean this is hundreds of euros I pumped into Oculus Home, gone for good right when it really matters... Should've bought all on steam least they don't wipe our library from one day to another... very disappointing 😞

Not applicable
Mine too! Ever since the update last night I lost all my Oculus store purchases and my controller tracking for beat saber (from steam) went chaotic and made it unplayable! Anyone else has reduced tracking performance since after the update? Anyone know how I can revert to before the update? If not I'll basically have an unusable rift all because of one update..

Honored Guest
Same here, on both the Quest and two of my PC VR rigs (all the same account) 
Seems to be a issue woth our accounts?

I hope they really fix this soon, now i have multiple useless headsets, not to mention i lost ALL my purchases!

Very frustrating

I raised a support ticket. I suggest you guys all do the same.
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