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Game Libraries have disappeard

My game libraries have completely disappeared on both the quest and in the desktop app. I am not able to install or play any of my games. When I browse to a game I own in the store it says I have already purchased the item, but I am not able to play it or access it. I installed sidequest on my pc and allowed debug mode along with virtual desktop just an hour ago, but other than that I haven't changed anything. The issue occurs in both the phone app and inside the quest itself. Any thoughts?

i've restart my pc and my library  just came back ten minutes, and then it was gone again.

Honored Guest
I'm also experiencing this issue, Had attempted to Factory Reset although no dice.
All my games/applications are missing and cannot be re-installed.

I assume there is an issue with the Oculus servers which is causing this problem.

Honored Guest
Same here. Inside Quest, on phone and PC. All apps are gone.
Started VRChat via SideQuest Launcher.
After a few second on loading screen (rotating VRChat logo), I was thrown back into my home.

I hope everyone submitted a ticket. Oculus needs to know that this is an issue that many people are experiencing.

Honored Guest

SkidR0we said:

I hope everyone submitted a ticket. Oculus needs to know that this is an issue that many people are experiencing.

Agree! Quest works again but no go on pc yet... 😞

Honored Guest

SkidR0we said:

I hope everyone submitted a ticket. Oculus needs to know that this is an issue that many people are experiencing.

Agree! Quest works again but no go on pc yet... 😞

UPDATE, again everything is gone on the Quest....

THis is VERY frustrating (for a lot of people i imagen..


Same here, contacted support but no reply yet.

Same here! And I have reset Quest loosing all saved games. Library is empty for Rift and Go too! Argh! 

Ok just now my library came back again... but it was a real long downtime and I really hope it stays this way now. I can only advise to not factory reset or reinstall or do anything (I did not even do or have any updates, it was just gone - back again - gone - back again outta the blue) - this will not help, the problem is clearly not on our side.

Edit: Neverending story. Follow-up next day, library is back then gone again. Got an email from support asking for patience since it's a known issue. Managed to start the game I care most for via the exe, after starting that, then restart of Oculus Home it identified. An option Quest users won't have though. RIP holiday gaming weekend. Terrible bug really.

Honored Guest
Same issue. First came up on v16 firmware. Upgrade to v17 firmware did not change it. Factory reset has had no impact. Disabling experimental features/UI has had no impact. Support ticket logged. Highly frustrating. Assume some back end server issue verifying purchased game libraries?
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