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Game app refund not working

Honored Guest

This support set up is super frustrating! As big as meta is and having some of the smartest people on the planet.  You guys could really come up with something better  and easier. 

With that said, I am not in possession of my quest 3.   Apparently in December 2023 I set up a payment link between my meta account and my PayPal account.

in November 2024 who ever has my oculus 3 bought 12 things in approximately 3 minutes  literally 12 different charges. I filed immediately with PayPal  about these charges.  

I’ve been trying to get a hold of meta  since nov  

which apparently this only way to talk to somebody  because if you look at the pics I’ve attached  the support website doesn’t work. Since nov 24     

I have no idea what was bought on these 12 different transactions  nor can I apply or even explain to anyone  or even ask for a refund.  
but someone there is actually working very diligently telling PayPal that I received whatever was purchased. 

my question is how do get this very frustrating situation fixed?  Apply for a refund ?  Explain how these charges got to be there?  And also very important disconnect the oculus from my Facebook without the headset. Since they like posting stuff on it  changing my pics  etc?   




Hello @BBByogf ,

I think you might have been blocked from using the website.


Rising Star

Was your headset lost, stolen or you sold it?

In order for someone to purchase games, apps or content they would need your pin or access to the phone number set for Two Factor Authentication.

Change your Meta and Paypal account passwords and PINs. Confirm the numbers for TFA.

Go to devices page and "delete device data". The next time the headset is turned on and connects to the Internet it will do a factory reset.

If the headset was stolen, file a police report and give a copy to Paypay over charge disputes.

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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.

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