06-07-2023 01:31 AM - last edited on 06-07-2023 08:10 AM by AliceinVRworld
My headset is having trouble connecting to some of my games.
For instance, “Onward” refuses to connect to any server. Once I get to the in-game home page where I’d select multiplayer, the home screen only show loading symbols for each option.
What really made this an issue was when I got to the server selection of “A Township Tale” the game said it had trouble verifying my account and to contact Oculus Support. Then I noticed that the representation of my left hand wasn’t where my controller was even when I moved it. If only appears in that game though.
I’ve tried shutting off and back on, restarting it, and having it shut all the way down and leaving it over night.
Looking for an Oculus Support number to call to walk me through how to get it back to working order if anyone here has answers.
06-07-2023 03:16 PM
I have not uninstalled the app as I believe doing so might lose my in-game purchases which I’d like to retain.
06-07-2023 03:36 PM
I have not uninstalled the app as I fear that I may lose my in-game purchases which I would like to keep.
06-07-2023 03:42 PM
I’m afraid that doing so might delete my in-game purchases.
06-07-2023 03:46 PM - last edited on 06-07-2023 05:18 PM by LikethePlanet
You can actually check if the app has cloud backup! Just click here and you will go to "View apps supported by cloud backup" and press the link.
From there you can see what games have cloud backup and then can uninstall and install the game to then see if the issue gets resolved!
06-07-2023 03:48 PM
I will have to look into doing this later
06-07-2023 03:55 PM
Sounds good! Just let me know what happens!
06-07-2023 04:00 PM
What link am I to use?
06-07-2023 05:24 PM
Hey @Caddow! Looks like she just forgot to add the link, so I went ahead and added the hyperlink for you. You can also go directly here to see which apps you own that are using Cloud Backup.
06-07-2023 05:32 PM
Thank you for adding the link. I ended up uninstalling then reinstalling both “onward” and “a township tale” for nothing to have changed. The onward Home Screen still shows that nothing will connect along with a nearly blank option menu. Along with “a township tale” saying to contact Oculus Support to verify my account along with the left controller not tracking properly. Nothing has changed aside from physical issues with the controllers. In “onward” I can no longer turn and am stuck moving forward unless I hold the joystick all the way back.
06-07-2023 05:58 PM
You're very welcome! At this point, I'd definitely recommend reaching out to @MetaQuestSupport in PMs to look into those issues further for you, especially the controller tracking. Alternatively, you can also create a support ticket by clicking here.
If you haven't tried already, it could also be worthwhile to get in touch with Onward's developers just to see if this is an issue on their side. As for A Township Tale, I wasn't able to find a direct link to the developer's support/contact us page, but I did find their Discord here.
Hope this helps!
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