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Game experience- Onward not connecting to server.


My headset is having trouble connecting to some of my games.
For instance, “Onward” refuses to connect to any server. Once I get to the in-game home page where I’d select multiplayer, the home screen only show loading symbols for each option. 

What really made this an issue was when I got to the server selection of “A Township Tale” the game said it had trouble verifying my account and to contact Oculus Support. Then I noticed that the representation of my left hand wasn’t where my controller was even when I moved it. If only appears in that game though. 
I’ve tried shutting off and back on, restarting it, and having it shut all the way down and leaving it over night. 
Looking for an Oculus Support number to call to walk me through how to get it back to working order if anyone here has answers. 


Honored Guest

When my game wasn't connecting, I found that restarting the headset and checking my internet connection helped. Also, clearing the cache and checking for any updates could do the trick. About that wonky hand position, I've encountered that, too, in a different game. Usually, a game-specific glitch, but contacting Oculus Support is a smart move. Meanwhile, read this article on how to make money on games. I hope you like it!

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