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Games and apps not loading

Honored Guest


so I got a meta quest 3 for Christmas however it does not load apps such as the store to the point where I can not purchase any games instead I have to buy them through the app. Also game download onto the meta quest fine but certain games do not load like rec room or be chat also I bought beat saver which does load however I cannot play online.

This had made me think that it is a WiFi connection issues which I check the convention that came up as excellent I’ve also tried changing the WiFi but that also did not work I think that I find confusing is that the meta horizon worlds work perfectly fine which is an online game so I don’t really know what to do.

I have been in contact with meta support however it’s taking a long time to sort the issue with them emailing me with the same questions. 
As of yet I have restarted and factory reset my meta quest, uninstalled and reinstalled games and logged out and back into the meta app.

Im begging to get very frustrated as I just wanna play on my head set and im sure what if it will ever work.

If you have any ideas on what else I can try it would be much appreciated.

Thank you

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