01-06-2022 09:57 PM
So when I first got my quest 2 I det everything up via phone app since I don't have computer... recently I got shadow pc... so I now have a computer.. I installed oculus app on the computer and signed in via Facebook "my only sign in" and it recognized me. It shows my debit card info. But only shows 1 game that I purchased.. it also doesn't let me connect to my headset wirelessly to stream.... now... I go on my phone oculus app and it has everything. All my purchases. I can connect and stream my game. Everything is fine.. I just don't understand why nothing shows up on my computer or any computer for that matter.
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-07-2022 12:52 AM
The PC app shows PC (CV1, Rift and Rift S, basically) games. It doesn't show the Quest games that you have bought from your phone as it's a different platform.
01-07-2022 12:52 AM
The PC app shows PC (CV1, Rift and Rift S, basically) games. It doesn't show the Quest games that you have bought from your phone as it's a different platform.
01-07-2022 06:13 AM
Shadow pc will not work wirelessly with quest 2 from what I have heard, but also, the games you purchase in the quest store must be cross buy compatible so that you get them on the pcvr versions as well. Not all games have this, some games only run standalone on the quest 2
01-07-2022 10:54 AM
Just saying shadow pc runs flawlessly. I can run steamvr through my phone no lagging or a DEX dock for android. My only issue is just my games won't show up in my account. It shows all my games in my phone app but it won't show any games in my pc app. Or any of my regular info. It's weird.
01-07-2022 10:57 AM
It shows 1 game. But the rest it won't show. It shows all my recent purchases through my phone but it won't on my computer.. it let's me video stream on my phone app but it says my quest 2 can't video stream.
01-07-2022 10:59 AM
Like I said, steam vr will probably run, but connecting your oculus quest 2 via airlink, next to impossible without a bit of latency.. The pc must be wired via ethernet, the issue is the shadow pc is not on your local internet network generally. It kind of is. But it's not fully there. And again, cross buy. The games can not run on pcvr if it does not have cross buy. You can not play the games on your phone. They must be played standalone on the quest
01-07-2022 11:19 AM
You may, run games standalone on your quest, and stream the video to your phone for someone to watch. I see no way for you to use shadow pc to play pc vr games without oculus link cable and USB c port. Even then I don't know if that will work and with low enough latency
01-07-2022 11:32 AM
I figured it out. It's just the type of games it is. But I highly recommend shadow pc. Like I said I'm playing steam vr perfectly. I been playing half life alex through my phone it's amazing. U need a good internet connection. I love shadow pc right now. Everything I play can be played through my phone. It's so cool. Even my **bleep**ty laptop is now able to play vr games. U should check it out
01-07-2022 11:33 AM
Air link doesn't allow me to play anything sadly. I had more luck with virtual desktop then air link. But now I use virtual desktop through my phone and it runs all game great now
01-07-2022 11:44 AM
That makes sense. Air link will not work at all. Ever. Only with a physical pc connected with a wire to the router. Your shadow pc is not physically connected to your router. It is virtually connected. These are not the same.
I have had shadow before. I did not enjoy it even on a 1gbps download and upload speed. So I just bought a computer instead.
Virtual desktop makes sense to work as that uses no airlink. Your response time is probably somewhere near the 40 to 50ms time though. For comparison my time with the desktop over virtual desktop via the oculus app is ~18ms
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