12-22-2024 04:32 AM
Hey everyone, I’m familiar with the fact that if you don’t claim the games on meta quest + then at the end of the month they disappear, so what happened was I claimed Green Hell VR played it and really enjoyed it, some time later it just said Expired when I tried to play it, was their a reason for this? I definitely claimed it
12-22-2024 05:44 AM
Hi @ItzSyth1 🙂
Correct me if I'm wrong.... Green Hell was one of the games from catalogue, right? Not one of the 2 games that you can redeem each month.
Games from catalogue can only played as long as they are in the catalogue. If the game you love(Green Hell) is replaced with another one, you don't have access to it anymore.
Only the 2 monthly games stay in your library - if you redeem them - as long as you are a subscriber.
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