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Games that I previously owned on my Oculus did not transfer when I made a new Meta account.

Honored Guest

So I have the original Oculus Quest and downloaded quite a few games like BeatSaber, Pavlov Shack, and the Five nights at Freddy’s game. I don’t use my VR very often but I do recall switching to Meta when it Oculus changed names and downloading the five nights at freddy’s on that account with no trouble. Well today I decided to pick up my oculus and check out some of the games again. However, nothing worked and when I connected it to my computer it said my account has been deleted and I need to reset my headset. Well I reset my account and I used the same email but all my games are gone and it says I have no purchase history. Did I lose all the games from before? Does it expect me to buy the games again? Is there no way I can recover what I already paid for?


Community Manager
Community Manager


Thank you for your enquiry.

You would've received mail on the email associated with your account detailing the next steps between Oculus accounts and Meta accounts.


If you did not migrate your Oculus account to a Meta account by March 2024, your account may have been deleted.

We would be more than happy to take a closer look at this for you, please click on our name to access our profile page. Once there, select 'Send a message' to privately message us. 

Please note that you must be signed in to the community before sending a private message.


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