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Gary The Gull won't start!

Could someone help me. please?
I have installed Gary The Gull but when it starts (I can see the title in the blue screen) it stops. I can see the hourglass and nothing else happens. I have to quit the "Unreal Engine" windows using CTRL-SHIFT-ESC because I cannot close it clicking on X.
I've tried to uninstall and reinstall the game and all the Oculus suite with no results.
Could someone help me?


I thought I remember seeing a anti-virus problem with the app. Try disabling your anti-virus/firewall and see if that helps.

Expert Protege
Same problem, looking at reviews seems most people have this issue. Think it just has rubbish support. 

Heroic Explorer
what is that app anyway.  It seems so meh from the icon that I havnt even bothered to read on to it. Am I missing something cool?

No solution? I disabled Antivirus and firewall with no success. 😞

For me it crashed as soon as I had to speak to the Gull, so after few seconds of running. Not sure we are missing something here, uninstalled 😉

“Dreams feel real while we are in them, it's only when we wake up that we realize something was strange.” - Dom Cobb

"Be careful, if you are killed in real life you die in VR too." - TD_4242

I7 10700K,  RTX 4070 TI Super, 64GB DDR4 3200Mhz, Oculus Rift CV1 and Quest 3

Honored Guest
You're not missing anything 

I'm not alone! This is a good news! LOL
 But... still no solution... :smile:
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