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Getting a refund for beat saber


I bought beat saber on the meta store yesterday, but now want to get a refund. When I bought it it said that I can get a refund within 14 days of purchase and if I played less than 2 hours of it. I definitely played for less than two hours, but when I tried to request a refund it says that it isn't eligible for refund. How can I fix this? I don't want the 14 days to pass and miss the deadline just because of a bug.


Accepted Solutions

No, you didn't say that .....that's why I asked😁

So, if it is only the main game you should be able to get refund.

Send a PM @MetaQuestSupport they can help you with that.

Click on their name to visit their profile page, then click the "send message" button.


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Hi @SleepyWordsmith 🙂

is it possible that you bought a bundle....beat saber plus a music pack?

If so, it's not a bug.....bundles aren't eligible for automated refund.

Meta Quest/Rift Content Refund Policy | Meta Quest 

You might still get a refund, but you'll need to speak to support.

Send a PM @MetaQuestSupport 

click on their name to visit their profile page, then click the "send message" button.

It didn't say anywhere that there was a bundle being purchased with the game, there's no extra music pack available in the game itself. When I go to check the order details it doesn't say anything about a bundle, just the game. Who can I contact about this?

No, you didn't say that .....that's why I asked😁

So, if it is only the main game you should be able to get refund.

Send a PM @MetaQuestSupport they can help you with that.

Click on their name to visit their profile page, then click the "send message" button.


I reached out to them and they started the refund process. Thanks for your help!

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