08-09-2023 06:23 PM
When I click the link on Golf+ which brings me to the Oculus site I am supposed to click "open" next to the device I want to use....but, it's showing 2 devices I don't have. Under my profile only my Quest 2 is showing which is what I have. But, quest and go are showing on the page it brings me to so I can not load into the tournaments.
Below is a copy/paste of the page I am brought to from the link on Golf+....
08-10-2023 02:51 PM
Howdy there, @DetroitTown1! We fully understand that you are having some difficulties accessing the daily tournaments for Golf+. We know how this could affect your VR experience. We've noticed that a few of our users are experiencing this exact issue, and we've advised them to contact the app's developers for further assistance. We'll leave the link here so you may contact them and see if they're working on an update that will address this issue.
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