01-11-2025 03:28 AM
Ever since the latest golf+ update on the 19th December I can't get golf plus to load. When I load on, the logo appears amd then dissappears and 3 white dots appear and then in left with a black screen. I have restarted my headset. I have deleted and reinstalled the app. Meta was helpful when I contacted them but none of the troubleshooting tips worked so they told to contact golf plus but they are bad at responding so I have turned to the community for help. If anyone has a solution please tell me.
01-11-2025 05:39 AM - edited 01-11-2025 05:39 AM
one thing, reinstall the game, update the app and headset, it should resolve the issue. imo
01-11-2025 06:39 AM
How do you mean? My headset is already fully updated and so is golf+.
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