07:50 AM
- last edited on
08:15 AM
For some reason, when I get into gorilla tag and it puts me in a lobby, and there is nobody in it. it says there are people online, but I never get into any with people. if anyone knows why please answer me!
10-25-2024 08:41 PM
Same thing is happening with me and it's soo annoying, like sometimes I'm in a lobby by myself and people join me, its a public too, once I first join its dead empty
10-26-2024 10:05 AM
Me to
11-01-2024 12:27 PM
Exact same thing happening here too. And no one has an answer. I mean wtf... I have spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars on this game and now I can't play on my account?
BTW, logged into my brother's account on the same headset, he got into a full game right away. Logged back into my account, nothing, no players. Really, really getting annoyed at not just the lack of a fix, but the complete lack of an explanation.
11-01-2024 02:13 PM
Me to, but I can not have discord to report this bug
11-01-2024 03:38 PM
Don’t worry too much about that. I’ve reported it in discord with no reply. If they get back to me I’ll let you know. I’m kind of resigning myself to waiting for a patch at this point. Not cool.
11-01-2024 03:42 PM
11-07-2024 07:54 AM
ROUTER RESET. That is what worked for me. First I cleared the app data from Gorilla Tag, then I uninstalled it. Make sure you have no other profiles with it installed on the headset.
Then I unplugged my router, plugged it back in after a few seconds, waited for it to reboot, reinstalled gorilla tag, and now it’s working.
Hope this helps!
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