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Gorilla Tag

Honored Guest


both my sons have a Quest 2 VR and they play gorilla tag together. 
one of the headsets doesn’t seem to be updating to the latest game so they can’t join a private room to play together. It’s seems some options are missing. 
I’ve tried uninstall/reinstall and also a factory reset but still it doesn’t work.

it appears like the game update didn’t properly install. On his phone app it says there’s still an update to do but following the instructions to update doesn’t work. 
also both VR headsets seem to have same game built/version numbers. 
Can anyone suggest a fix? 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there @GraDun! We definitely want to help get your sons back to enjoying their time in VR! Thanks for letting us know the troubleshooting steps you have tried already, this greatly helps us to narrow down the underlying issue. When you factory reset the device and reinstall the game, that should grab the latest version. If some in-game settings are not available on one account, that is an issue that the game's developers would need to look into for you. You can reach out to their support team here.

Let us know if you have any additional questions!

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey @GraDun, just wanted to follow up to see if there is anything else we can assist with. Please don't hesitate to hit us up!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Honored Guest

Hi! I know EXACTLY what to do to fix this, and it’s really very simple so here is how: go to apps>find gorilla tag and hover over it>click the three dots (options)>settings>release channels>live

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