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Got multiple emails stating address could not be verified.

Heroic Explorer
I was one of the lucky ones to get a March expected ship date this morning but am now freaking out a bit because I just got an email stating they couldn't verify my shipping address and that my order has been placed on hold. I don't understand this because it is the exact same address where Oculus shipped both my DK1 and DK2. I am really concerned that this has just cost me my place in line! Could anyone from Oculus chime in and let me know?
"I have seen the light at the end of the tunnel, and it is the headlamp of the oncoming virtual hype train!"

Honored Guest
i have same problem...

Same, fixing the same typo to the billing address as is in the delivery system (We dont use state/province in Finland so its pretty much useless line) fixed it. This morning i had one more mail, and now that I checked it there was one / instead of a blank space in the address..

Hopefully this is some random glitch, they did mention they will run a fix on their database today.

I also have a problem with my address, After pre ordering and filling in my address details I received an email with the correct shipping details then I received another email and my details had been changed with the wrong shipping address so I also tried changing the shipping address myself online but it became more screwed up than before.

I have opened a support ticket about it and my Rift is not due to be shipped until June so hopefully it will be cleared up.

Expert Protege
Same issue, from Japan. Wonder if it's the state which is confusing them

Grand Champion
Yes, we are aware of the issue. We'll resolve this surely far before shipping, so I wouldn't worry.
AMD Ryzen 7 1800X | MSI X370 Titanium | G.Skill 16GB DDR4 3200 | EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 | Corsair Hydro H110i Gigabyte RX Vega 64 x2 | Samsung 960 Evo M.2 500GB | Seagate FireCuda SSHD 2TB | Phanteks ENTHOO EVOLV

Expert Protege
"cybereality" wrote:
Yes, we are aware of the issue. We'll resolve this surely far before shipping, so I wouldn't worry.


Thank you for the response, Cyberreality. I had to F5 the order page and try to get my order to go through for 40 minutes so I'm due for May, plenty of time to resolve the issue (unfortunately). Got the "address could not be verified" mail. Ordering from Finland, confirming Varil's statement that we don't use provinces here. I was a little confused when it required a state/province and I ultimately had to go to wikipedia to check what the province I'm in is called as I've never used it for anything. Sent a support ticket that has yet to receive any response, which I'm not too surprised about, I'm sure they'll get to it eventually. Changed the billing address to exactly what my bank mail says, despite it having a typo in it because I read that having different info there can cause issues (that wasn't it apparently), hopefully I didn't just cause a new one.

Dont worry floatharr, I did the same, day later the address was again wrong..

..sounds like this aint the biggest problem around so im happy to wait for it to be sorted 🙂
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