11-29-2020 07:18 AM
04-21-2021 01:14 PM
I also have this problem. I sent a support ticket in already. But since it's a flash sale I would like to have it fixed asap. I also have two games already from the Essential Bundle so that might be the same case?
04-21-2021 01:24 PM
Which games do you have? I have pop 1 and super hot. I also raised a ticket but I highly doubt support will come back in time. Also from previous posts on this it doesn’t seem like they have a fix. They’ll just offer a small credit after it’s too late 😞
04-21-2021 01:41 PM
Ya i have eleven and pistol whip...the more i think about it i really only want pop one and superhot and those 2 at regular price is less than the cost of the bundle for me so I'm actually kind of glad it didn't work lol. Oculus is so silly. The whole point of a flash sale is to get people to spontaneously buy something...I wonder how much money they've lost on this bundle and past bundles because their software doesn't work right?
04-21-2021 01:41 PM
ME TOO, I've been trying all day since this is an amazing deal, such a shame 😞
04-21-2021 02:33 PM
I’ve created a new thread here including a screenshot of the error, it might be good if everyone adds post to this one and then it might get some attention:
04-21-2021 03:46 PM
04-21-2021 04:30 PM
Well, same here. Tried with 2 different cards and PayPal. I also have 2 games (Eleven VR and Population One)
04-21-2021 10:46 PM
Update: Mine just worked. With an hour to spare.
04-21-2021 10:50 PM
It fixed! 🤗
04-21-2021 11:19 PM
Thanks god! It works now
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