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Green Bar and spinning logo quest 2

Honored Guest

it's stuck on the meta symbol when the headset is clearly off, the white lil dot on the side isn't on which indicates headset is off. But when I do turn on the headset, it gives the green bar and sends me back to to the spending logo. I have figured it might be a software update so I left it alone for 25 hours now. Still doing the same thing.



@JESTERDaGoof  have you tried a factory reset of the headset to see if it cures  your issue?

How to factory reset your Meta Quest | Meta Store

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

Yes I have and still having the same issues



We understand your device is still stuck in a boot loop even after a factory reset.

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If you factory reset it and you are sure it has no hardware damage it could be the same issue that I and other users have been having.

If it just boots into the META logo then a black screen, then unfortunately META has no fix for the issue at this current time, as it is a software issue on their end.

Please refer to this thread and see if you have same issue, if you do, keep up the pressure on their support, as they have been trying to push selling refurbished headsets rather than fix their simple software issue. 

Honored Guest

I am experiencing the same issue with my Meta Quest 3. After downloading the update, the device gets stuck on the Meta logo with the downward arrow, even after the green progress bar completes. I’ve already tried a factory reset, but it hasn’t resolved the problem

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