08-30-2022 07:52 PM
My grandson dropped my oculus quest 2 and now can’t turn on guardian and won’t track
09-05-2022 09:46 AM - edited 09-05-2022 09:51 AM
Hey there, @Snoopyf1! Oh no, that's not good news. We would love to give you a hand with this so that we can hopefully bring both of you better news.
We would like to suggest these steps below to see if they help the issue:
Whether your issue was resolved, or there's more work for us to do, we look forward to hearing back from you!
09-06-2022 09:35 AM
Hello again, @Snoopyf1! We are just checking in to see if you still need help on this. If you do, just reach back out to us at your earliest convenience!
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