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Guest Order view now Invalid link?

Honored Guest
Hi guys, 

Not sure if it's because I placed the order on a Friday afternoon and it's between the stages of prcoessing but I can't seem to see my Oculus Rift S order anymore. 

I had placed the order and received an email confirmation email. I followed the link that showed that my order was open with the particulars of the order and shipping address. (I screenshotted it too).

Today I go to check on my guest order and it spits out a new email with another link but when I click on it it says it's an invalid link and then continues to send me another email with another link which is also invalid and seems to loop.

I've checked my oculus account and the order isn't on there either but I'm assuming that's because I created the account after I placed the order. 

Any ideas here? Do I just wait a couple of business days and hope the order was placed? No money has been taken out of my account yet either.

Oculus will charge you when the order processes.

I'd try signing into the Guest Order with your email address and order number using the link below:

If you're unable to access it try some steps below:

* Try clearing out the cache and cookies for your browser.

* Use an alternative browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and maybe Microsoft Edge.

* Login with a different device.

* Try another network.

* Make sure to disable any vpns.

Honored Guest
Hmmm that's the exact same link I used this morning. Seems like it's working now though. Thanks!

No problem and very happy to hear you were able to access the order page.
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