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Gym class vr telling me I’m offline but I’m connected to wifi

Honored Guest

Yesterday I started using my Quest 2 again after 4 months of not using it. When I tried to enter gym class vr it told me initializing platform after a while it tells me I’m offline and to please connect to the internet. I tried to fix it by restarting the oculus, uninstalling and installing it again, trying with another wifi but it never fixes. 
If someone had also this problem and could fix please help me, I want to play gym class.

Thank you. 



@pocho1010  as you've not used the quest 2 for 4 months it might be a good idea to leave it powered on and for the headset to update itself to the latest version.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

Yes I already updated it yesterday but it still doesn’t work 

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