12-28-2024 01:03 PM
So several months ago, my Fackbook and subsequent Meta Quest account were hacked. After several frustrating weeks my FB acount was restored but I had to completely reset my Meta Quest. When I did so I noticed that my original identity was still tied to the hacked email account - cagaljdambil2@hotmail.com.
This is not mine but they appear to have usurped my Meta Quest library and are still using my original identity. I need this email removed from my current Facebook account, I need it to be reported that the email account has stolen my original library (I'm happy to tell that identity in an direct IM (not on this forum), and I need my original library/identity restored or transferred over to my new identity from the email address I've been using from the beginning. (I have the same email address but now have a new ID because of the factory reset.
Please assist. I would love to be able to talk to someone in person because the AI assistance is not productive and often ends in a loop of unhelpful responses.
Thank you.
12-28-2024 01:41 PM
Thank you for contacting Meta Quest Support.
Due to the sensitive information we will need to discuss, we kindly ask that you send us a private message to further investigate.
Please click on our name to access our profile page. Once there, select 'send a message' to privately message us.
Please note that you must be signed in to the community before sending a private message.
Thank you!
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