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HDMI isnt plugged in TOUCHING the headset

Honored Guest
Hi. I got my CV1 headset one week ago. All worked fine. In these last three days im having an issue with the headset : randomly, during a session game, or in oculus home, if i TOUCH the headset with my hands (the front of the headset) for adjusting the position/comfort for my face, oculus home notify " hdmi isn't plugged in" and then quickly it say "expired", cause the headset reconnect again. I notice this issue happen randomly and ONLY if i touch the headset gently. 

I tried switching usb port (3.0) and tried also usb 2.0 The headset works great but also in 2.0 randomly "hdmi isn't plugged in" (moving the headset with my hands) and alone it reconnect again instantly.

Removing HDMI from my GTX 970 EVGA FTW NON OC and plugged in again didn't help. The hdmi port on my GPU seems ok also the port of the CV1 is ok. All pins are there and in good position.

I tried also moving the hdmi/usb cable of the rift directly connected on my headset, try to understand if was a problem of contacts. No issues coming moving the cable. 

So its clear that this happen to me sometimes JUST if i TOUCH the headset. Weird!
Please need an help cause a really enjoing CV1 with my 970.

Hope to hear from you soon, im sorry for my bad english.


Honored Guest

"Dry joints" are when the soldered connections on the circuit board aren't well done, or have cracked - either way, they give intermittent conductance. Can happen with circuit board to socket joints particularly, due to the mechanical stress. 

First pop off the headset facemask and replug the cables a couple of times to make sure it's not a bad connection between plugs and sockets before worrying about the soldering though.

Aha. Yes that is what I suspect, just didn't know the English words for it. Yes I have tried replugging the cables in both ends several times. Also none of the pins seem damaged in any way. I think I will just go back with it to my retailer. I've only had it for 6 weeks now. Thank you for your reply.

Honored Guest
Pleased to report I've not had not one disconnect with the replacment rift and now have the confidence to move and touch the headest again without worry.

This is encouraging. Glad to see I'm not alone. Will get a new one at my retailer then. Hopefully they can reuse most of the parts of the one sent back.

Grand Champion
Please contact Oculus Support. In many cases we can replace the product. Thanks.
AMD Ryzen 7 1800X | MSI X370 Titanium | G.Skill 16GB DDR4 3200 | EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 | Corsair Hydro H110i Gigabyte RX Vega 64 x2 | Samsung 960 Evo M.2 500GB | Seagate FireCuda SSHD 2TB | Phanteks ENTHOO EVOLV

Honored Guest
I have exactly the same problem. I tried everything. It's randomly and happens sometimes if put off my headset and put it on again. So i am not the only one.

I have also experienced this notification. It hasn't affected gameplay. There was only a couple times it went to a black screen before fixing itself. You should check out a fix that someone thought of.

Honored Guest

JayVaughn said:

I have also experienced this notification. It hasn't affected gameplay. There was only a couple times it went to a black screen before fixing itself. You should check out a fix that someone thought of.

Yeah, I actually attempted to fix it in a similar way (but using a piece of cloth as to not damage the head strap) before coming to this forum. But the problem is not with the cable or the cable connector itself but seems to be internal (soldering).

Please contact Oculus Support. In many cases we can replace the product. Thanks.

I sent it back to you guys through the retailer through who I have the warranty (net-on-net in Umeå / Sweden). He wrote down my description of the problem but afterwards I saw he didn't include everything I said. So if you are working in that department and it hasn't been handled yet (been waiting 2.5 weeks now) one important fact is that the problem gets worse the longer you have it on (so testers should let the screen run for a bit first). I'm guessing it depends on the temperature.. Also, he wrote down that I had tried another "unit" without problems. What he didn't write was that this unit was also a Oculus Rift CV1. Kinda important.

I had this problem and almost learned to live with the intermittent disconnects. Sent mine back via Oculus support, turn around all within a week (UK to Holland). New one has been perfect, not a single disconnect at all.
Oculus support were great

Honored Guest

Bigtime88 said:

I had this problem and almost learned to live with the intermittent disconnects. Sent mine back via Oculus support, turn around all within a week (UK to Holland). New one has been perfect, not a single disconnect at all.
Oculus support were great

Yeah, maybe I should have gone directly through Oculus support then. But I am unsure if that would screw with my retailer warranty somehow. Hopefully the matter will be resolved soon. I just can't play my sims without the rift anymore.. itching to fly again 🙂

Honored Guest
Well, I got the replacement rift from the retailer and all my problems are solved. Good thing I went through the retailer also, because Oculus warranty didn't apply, even to them, because of the company they had imported them through. But they were nice enough to give me a new one.
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