01-06-2025 07:36 PM
I've had my Meta Quest 3S a few months, but suddenly the hand controllers weren't detected. I put in new batteries, made sure the camera lenses were clean but they still weren't detected. I've done a reboot and it's still the same problem unfortunately. I suspect, that as both are not being detected, that it's some kind of headset problem. I'm just wondering what my options are at the moment.
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-06-2025 07:52 PM
If you are having issues after factory resetting your controllers, we may need to factory reset your headset as well.
To perform a factory reset using your Meta Quest:
Please get back to us if you are still having issues after this!
01-06-2025 07:40 PM
HI there, thanks for getting in touch with the Meta Quest Support Team, please give us a moment to find the best troubleshooting for this problem.
01-06-2025 07:49 PM
Thanks for waiting, lets try and get this sorted out!
If these steps didn't fix the issue, please try the following.
Factory reset your controllers:
Right: Hold the A button and tap the Home (Meta logo) button 5 times.
Left: Hold the X button and tap the Menu button 5 times.
Part 1/2
01-06-2025 07:52 PM
If you are having issues after factory resetting your controllers, we may need to factory reset your headset as well.
To perform a factory reset using your Meta Quest:
Please get back to us if you are still having issues after this!
01-07-2025 04:53 PM
Thanks. I've previously reset my headset and am now at the 'pairing' part of the instructions, where a video shows the tape being taken out of the hand controllers. There's no response from the controllers though. I've tried factory resetting the controllers, but nothing has happened. There was a blinking light when I pressed the controller buttons to factory reset, so I think the batteries are good.
01-07-2025 04:56 PM
Hey again @markie1969,
Could you please send us a private message so we can help further?
To do so, simply click on our name to access our profile page or click on the provided link. Once there, select 'Send a message' to privately message us. Please note that you must be signed in to the community before sending a private message!
01-07-2025 05:13 PM
On my mobile, I've got to 'Headset Settings' but no option to pair the controllers is available. There's a 'Continue Setup' option, but that tells me 'Please Try Again' (although 'Meta Quest 3S Found' can be seen shortly before it comes up).
01-07-2025 05:14 PM
Could you please send a private message so that we can help with your pairing issue?
01-07-2025 05:18 PM
Thanks, will do.
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